A Division of IDD

Blurrr DeSign started doing business in 1991 under the name Internet Design Development (IDD) with some graphics design and web development. The name change came after I received the nickname 'Blurrr' by some paintball friends. Over the years I've designed over 400 websites for various sized businesses. In 2005 I got tired of the prices everybody was charging for limited-service web hosting, so I began hosting my own clients at rates they could afford. Over 25 years in the business Personal Touch for support Small Business for small business Live help just a phone call away Full Control it's in your hands I don't host large or 'questionable' companies. Small town values means I'm there when you need help and I do business in a principled way for a fair price. My support staff is here to keep me company and to calm me when things get hectic. They make sure that I stay patient with questions and show me how to not take life too seriously.

Good advice for us all...

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